Shipping Information

We're committed to delivering your orders quickly and reliably

We offer free delivery within the contiguous U.S., excluding Alaska and Hawaii.

Estimated Delivery Times

Orders are typically shipped within 1-2 business days, with an expected delivery time of 4-7 days, while it may take 7-10 days or longer if your shipping address is far away from our warehouse.

Important Notes

  • Shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, and other locations outside the contiguous U.S. requires shipping charges. Please contact customer service for details.
  • Delivery times may be extended during holidays, peak seasons, or due to weather conditions.
  • Please order early to ensure timely delivery.

Order Tracking

Once your order ships, you'll receive an email with tracking information. You can track your package by:

Return and Exchange Policy

  • We will replace goods if they are defective or damaged due to quality issue or other un-human factors.
  • You can return your order within 90 days if you're not satisfied, except for samples and customized products. You’ll only need to cover the return shipping cost.
  • To return an item, please contact our customer service team and wait for a confirmation email before sending it back. Returns cannot be processed without prior confirmation.
  • All returned items must be in original condition. Items that have been altered, damaged, or modified after delivery will not be accepted for return.
  • We will issue a refund after inspecting the returned goods.
  • For more details, please read our Refund Policy.

Contact Us

888-680-8850 (Toll Free)
Phone hours: Monday-Friday, 06:00-24:00 PDT
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and most US holidays

Shipping & Delivery FAQs

Can I choose a specific carrier?

No, currently, we automatically select the most efficient carrier (UPS, FedEx, or USPS, etc.) based on your location.

Do you offer overnight delivery?

We currently only offer standard shipping. As shown above, you will generally receive your products within 4-7 days.

Can I change my shipping address?

If your order hasn't shipped yet, please contact our customer service immediately to update your address. Address changes cannot be made after shipment.

What should I do if my package is lost or damaged?

Contact our customer service immediately. We'll help track your package or process a replacement/refund.

How is the shipping fee calculated?
  • Contiguous U.S.: We offer free delivery within the contiguous U.S.
  • Non-contiguous States: For areas outside the contiguous U.S. (including Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories), shipping fees vary based on location. Please contact our customer service team for more details.
  • International Shipping: For deliveries outside the U.S., you will need to use a third-party transshipment service. The shipping fee will be determined by the transshipment company.
Can you ship products outside of the United States?

Currently, we only ship within the United States. However, if you’re located outside the U.S., here are your options:

  • Canada: If you're in Canada, you can shop directly on our Canadian website for a local experience.
  • International Customers: For shipping outside the U.S., you'll need to use a third-party transshipment service or purchase via Amazon. Learn more about transshipment services.
  • Amazon Availability: Our products are also available for purchase on Amazon in:
    • United States
    • United Kingdom
    • Canada
    • Australia
    • United Arab Emirates
    • Saudi Arabia