72-Year-Old Installs 1100+ ft Cable Railing Solo with Muzata's Kit

Meet Bruce Winfield, First-Time Installer
We recently had the pleasure of working with a new customer, 72-year old Bruce Winfield, on his first ever cable railing installation project. Bruce was looking to replace the glass panels on his upper deck and the wooden spindles on his lower deck with cable railings using our CK17 cable railing kit.
Despite having no prior experience with cable railings, Bruce tackled this major two-deck project smoothly and came away extremely satisfied with the end results. In total, he installed around 1,100 feet of cable railing himself and said that the process was surprisingly straightforward even for someone as admittedly not handy as him. Bruce had glowing remarks about the straightforward process on Trustpilot:
"My first attempt at cable railing and I have to admit the results are outstanding....The project involved replacing glass panels on the upper deck and wooden spindles on the lower deck. In all, I ran around 1,100 ft of cable. It’s a project this “not very handy” 72 year old tackled with wonderful end results."
Bruce couldn’t hide his satisfaction with his DIY accomplishment. In the days following the completed installation, he kindly shared a video proudly showcasing his stunning new cable railings overlooking his home’s beautiful forested property.
The CK17 Cable Railing Kits - Designed for Easy Railing Installation
What makes the CK17 cable railing kits so easy to install? The key is smart design for simplicity and reliability. Our swage lag screws effortlessly rotate and tension cable without any damaging twisting. Matching a hydraulic crimper tool ensures firm, lasting connections. We consult extensively with consumers like Bruce before purchases to match needs and provide guidance. Our free design advice draws on decades in the industry to give every customer a vision of how cable railing can elevate their home.
The beautiful, sleek results speak for themselves in Bruce's smiling testimonial. He added, "The finished cable project not only significantly improved the optics inside and out but it also must have added value to our home." Cable transforms indoor and outdoor living spaces into breezy, contemporary oases. We find everyone from young DIYers to septuagenarians like Bruce can install systems seamlessly.

Beginner's Luck? Far Easier Than Expected!
And Bruce's beginner's success is far from a one-off case. Over the years, we at Muzata have proudly found that first-time cable railing installers time and again complete their projects with flying colors and satisfaction much beyond their expectations going in.
What explains so many DIY newcomers smoothly installing gorgeous, sprawling cable railing systems? Our teams relentlessly engineer for simplicity and reliability. Our smart designs like the intuitive swage lag screws take the guesswork and frustration out, while hydraulic crimper connections provide industrial-grade strength and longevity. The thoughtful components enable even cable railing greenhorns to tension and secure cable safely. And of course the experts on our Free Design Service team are available to give our customers even more detailed and professional installation advice.
We receive sparkling testimonials daily from customers who can't believe their stunning, pro-level outcomes were achieved entirely solo, without professional help. Their glowing post-project reviews often exclaim: "That was so much easier than I pictured beforehand!" or "I can hardly believe I installed this myself - the results look like I had a crew working for weeks!"
We're Here to Help!
It's customers like Bruce who inspire us everyday. His first ever cable railing project turned out beautifully and even a self-described not very handy senior was able to install it solo. We're thrilled his home and lifestyle are enhanced by our products and were honored to play a small role in his success story. Stories like these motivate us to continue engineering and producing high-quality railing systems that anyone can install with confidence.